Sunday, March 22, 2009

Bloggy Problems

I need help with my post spacing. When I type a post and hit enter several times to create appropriate visual spacing, it doesn't save that way when the post is posted to my blog. I've tried different things and sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. Any ideas? You can look at my last post to see what I mean. I typed to scroll down for answers then hit enter several times but it doesn't look like that now. I need help!


Chrisie said...

Blogger has it's own mind when it comes to spacing. I cuss every time I make a post because it won't save the spacing that I put in it. I would love to here from someone who knows how to "override" blogger.

Mindy said...

I have the same issues...

Melinda said...

I too have that problem. Sometimes if I go into HTML mode and space my paragraphs there it works....sometimes.

suzspeaks said...

I always type my posts in the HTML format, then go into compose section to change colors, add links, etc. Maybe that will help!!

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