Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Jackson loves cheese and the trampoline

Trying to wake up Uncle Smokey

We're Back!

After my Thursday morning trip to the ER, life slowed way down while I recovered from a kidney stone. Thanks goodness Mom could help with the kids and the garage sale that we were having on Friday! The garage sale was a smashing success; I think Brent is addicted to putting stuff on a table and having people give money for our junk. Grandma Charlotte and Papa came Friday evening and Uncle Smokey, Aunt Kristy, and Jackson arrived very late. We made a trip to the zoo Sat. Here are some of the pics...

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

A Week of Firsts

Growing up is exciting! As a parent, I look forward to each milestone with bittersweet feelings. I can't wait for the next stage of development but know that each day takes us farther away from babyhood. Turning 4 months has been a major turning point for Lucas. It started with rolling over last Friday. Then, he tried rice cereal Sunday and loved it! He acted like a hungry bird and knew exactly what to do with the spoon.
Next, came staying in bible class all by himself without Mom or Dad. According to his teacher, he is the loudest of the bunch, letting loose squeals of delight at each toy put in front of him. I think he looks like such a big boy in his shirt!

All in all, Lucas is changing everyday. He now weighs 15 lbs. 2 oz. and is 26 in. long. His easy going personality is evident in his constant smiles and gentle nature. We are so blessed to have 2 wonderful children.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

4 Months Old!

Lucas celebrated his 4 month birthday by taking Lillian to the 89er carnival in Guthrie. Lillian rode rides and played a game where she won a blow-up snake. The weather was beautiful; no wind and plenty of sunshine. Lucas spent the afternoon asleep or hanging out in the stroller. His 4 month birthday brought lots of changes. He can roll over from stomach to back. Grammy discovered that trick Friday. He reaches for toys and recognizes the sound of his bottle being fixed. We go to the doctor Tuesday so check back for a report

She was all smiles before the ride started but once the wheels were rolling, she was a worried little girl! Her seat partner was riding for the 3rd time; Lillian said she did NOT want to ride the rollercoaster again.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Land Run Cowgirl

Guthrie's claim to fame centers around the Land Run of 1889. This weekend is 89er Weekend in Guthrie and all the little "munchkins" celebrate with a mock Land Run. Lillian dressed in her boots and cowgirl hat for the occasion. The Run itself was uneventful; the kids ran to one end of the yard and stuck a flag in the ground. They tired of it quickly. I wonder if the kids felt that way when their families were claiming land with a flag more than 100 years ago...

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

He Laughed!

Lucas laughed for the first time tonight! Lillian was playing with a Valentine's Day balloon that, somehow, still had helium keeping it afloat. I held Lucas up so he could see it closer. As Lillian bobbed it up and down, he let loose big, belly giggles. We managed to get a little on video before he tired of that game. Lillian gets the prize for making him laugh!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Quote From Lillian

Lillian: "Mom, I know what a drag queen is."

Me: "A drag queen???"

Lillian: "Yeah, it's a man in woman's clothing."

Me: (silence while I tried to figure out WHERE IN THE WORLD SHE HEARD THAT?!?!?!)

Then it hit me... thank you, Jerry Seinfeld and the Bee Movie.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Rain, Rain Go Away...

We missed 2 days of school this week because of flooding in Guthrie. Lillian played in our "river" that ran through the backyard. Total rainfall was close to 6 inches.
Lucas passed the time getting walker rides from Lillian. He has no fear of racing around the floor being pushed by an overaggressive big sister.
Hair pulling starts early!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Sibling Competition

In keeping pace with Lillian, Lucas "allowed" his simple cold to turn into wheezing and fluid in 1 ear. Lillian was 4 months old when her problems started and Lucas thought he needed to top her by 2 weeks. The doctor checked him over today and we started breathing treatments with a nebulizer tonight. He already acts like he feels better. He seemed happy playing with Lillian in the crib. I realized he hadn't cooed in a few days when he started doing it again tonight. I missed that little sound!


We visited Grandma Retta and Granddad Connie this weekend. Lucas remembered them from the ski trip when he was 2 weeks old. Well, he acted like he remembered them!
Lillian loved the trampoline in the house. She managed to string toys everywhere in a matter of minutes just like at home.
Lucas wasn't daunted by Granddad's antics. He took it all with a smile.

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